Whale watching, scuba diving, snorkeling and boat tour with Mobydick in Tahiti in French Polynesia
Easily accessible from the west coast, 27 km from Papeete, the Aquatika marina offers the possibility of discovering the marine fauna in an uncrowded area of Tahiti Nui, between Paea and the motus of Mataiea. In the company of passionate and experienced guides, come and experience beautiful aquatic adventures, with the peninsula of Tahiti and the sister island of Moorea as a background.
Philosophy and approach to cetaceans
French Polynesia, at the heart of the South Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its biological diversity and marine macro-fauna. It welcomes in its waters many species of fish, turtles, birds and marine mammals. In 2002, it was classified as a sanctuary for marine mammals, and all shark species have been protected there since 2012.
The encounter with cetaceans, and particularly with whales, is done with the greatest gentleness, while respecting the local law.
The exploration area is uncrowded, which allows us to make respectful approaches, the welfare of the animal being one of our priorities.
An analysis phase of whale behavior makes it possible to establish a first contact.
If releases are possible, we adopt a passive behavior and we leave the choice to the animal to swim towards us… or not.. Nevertheless, their curiosity is contagious and this approach is often rewarded with great interactions.
Philosophy and approach to cetaceans
French Polynesia, at the heart of the South Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its biological diversity and marine macro-fauna. It welcomes in its waters many species of fish, turtles, birds and marine mammals . In 2002, it was classified as a sanctuary for mammals, and all shark species have been protected there since 2012.

The encounter with animals, particularly with marine mammals is done with the utmost gentleness, in compliance with the code of the local environment. The exploration area is little frequented, which leaves us the leisure to make respectful approaches, the well-being of the animal being one of our priorities.
French Polynesia, at the heart of the South Pacific Ocean, is renowned for its biological diversity and marine macro-fauna. It welcomes in its waters many species of fish, turtles, birds and marine mammals . In 2002, it was classified as a sanctuary for mammals, and all shark species have been protected there since 2012.
Would you like to immerse yourself in the underwater world? Many possibilities are proposed to you: scuba diving, whale watching, snorkeling, boat tours in individual or in private boat… Tell us about your desires, we will try to realize them together.
Weekdays : 8am or 1pm
Weekends : 7.30am or 12.30pm
Duration : 4h max
RDV : consult us
Duration : 2h30
RDV : 9am or 1pm
Duration : 3h
RDV : 4pm
Duration : 2h
Isabelle is a dive instructor since 2010 and a guide for cetacean observation since 2013. She has extensive experience in approaching marine mammals. She has worked for various whale-watching operator and research associations in French Polynesia and Reunion island.
Virginie has been a naturalist guide specializing in cetacean observation since 2019. She’ll be delighted to share her passion for wild life with you.
Jordan and Moana, our experienced pilots, will ensure your safety on board. Jordan’s nicknamed the Lynx of the seas, and when it comes to finding whales, he’s the best! Moana means Ocean in Tahitian: water is his element.
The boat “STENELLA”
For your comfort, Mobydick has built a 28-foot boat “made in fenua” protected by a cover and motorized with a 250 ch engine. It accepts a maximum of 12 passengers.
It is named after Stenella, which is the genus of the scientific name for spinner (Stenella longirostris) and spotted dolphins (Stenella atenuata).

If you do not have your own equipment, we will provide you with your snorkeling or scuba diving CRESSI brand equipment. The equipment is disinfected after each tour.
Aquatika Marina
The small marina of Pahiarepo (Aquatika) is located on the west coast of Tahiti, pk 26.7 at the end of Paea, just before the Mara’a caves. It is a small marina managed by fishermen. Few spaces are provided for cars, but on weekends, you can park in front of the entrance on the mountain side.
We don’t have a deck, we embark directly on the boat.
NO PICK-UP service